Money Smart: New to the Collection
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Money Smart: New to the Collection

We are constantly adding books to our collection, including financial topics. Check out our list below for recent additions to the collection, covering saving money, investing and risk.

Be sure to check out the upcoming Financial Literacy programs offered through Plano Public Library, as well as the nationally touring exhibit, Thinking Money for Kids. Get the details on our website.


The Monster Jar: Saving Money by Lisa Bullard Print
Shanti decides to save her money so she can go on rides at the fun park. Readers learn along with Shanti that there are a lot of ways to save.

Field Trip Find: Borrowing Money by Lisa Bullard Print 
After borrowing money, Brady finds that his piggy bank is empty and he can’t pay it back. Readers discover along with Brady the positives and negatives of borrowing money.

It All Adds Up: Earning Money by Lisa Bullard Print
Ella really wants a soccer ball but doesn’t have enough money yet. So she starts working for money! Young readers will love learning about earning their own money in this charming, illustrated tale.

Young Adult

Teen Guide to Financial Literacy by Joseph Ferry Print
Money management is an essential skill for young people. From learning how to build a budget and use a credit card to applying for a car loan and renting an apartment, teens will get a valuable introduction to the information they need to be successful later in life.


Women Talk Money: Breaking the Taboo by Rebecca Walker Print
Women Talk Money is a groundbreaking collection that lifts the veil on what women talk about when they talk about money; it unflinchingly recounts the power of money to impact health, define relationships, and shape identity. The collection includes previously unpublished essays by trailblazing writers, activists, and models, such as Alice Walker, Tressie McMillan Cottom, Rachel Cargle, Tracy McMillan, Cameron Russell, Sonya Renee Taylor, Adrienne Maree Brown, and more, with Rebecca Walker as editor.

Your Money Mentors: Expert Advice for Millennials by Russell Robb Print
Your Money Mentors offers advice for millennials and their parents on how to succeed in the years post-college graduation. Co-written by a millennial, and based on the author’s sixty-plus years of experience in finance, the collective advice is full of data, current research, anecdotes, and suggestions regarding mentors, continuing education, internships, careers, starter jobs, setting financial goals, budgeting, and money matters concerning marriage.

My Money My Way: Taking Back Control of Your Financial Life by Kumiko Love Print
In My Money My Way, financial counselor and creator of The Budget Mom Kumiko Love inspires and equips you to end the cycle of self-doubt and make confident money decisions. Previous budgeting methods haven’t worked because they weren’t designed by you. Love’s original strategies will help you define your goals and achieve them on your own terms. Love has motivated millions of women to get in control of their financial futures. Her revolutionary yet practical and accessible approach will unlock the secrets of financial fulfillment, so you never have to sweat living your best life ever again.

Finance for the People: Getting a Grip on Your Finance by Paco De Leon Print
Unlike most personal finance books that focus on skills and behaviors, FINANCE FOR THE PEOPLE asks you to examine your beliefs and experiences around money–blending extremely practical exercises with mindfulness, and including more than 50 illustrations and diagrams to make the concepts accessible (and even fun). With deep insider expertise from years spent in many different corners of the financial industry, Paco de Leon is a friendly, approachable, and wise guide who invites readers to change their relationship with money.

How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance by Jean Sherman Chatzky Print
There’s no getting around it. You need to know how to manage money to know how to manage life — but most of us don’t! This illustrated guidebook from New York Times bestselling author and financial expert Jean Chatzky, Kathryn Tuggle, and their team at HerMoney breaks down the basics of money–how to earn it, manage it, and use it–giving you all the tools you need to take charge and be fearless with personal finance.

Money Magic: an Economist’s Secrets to More Money, Less Risk, and a Better Life by Laurence J. Kotlikoff 9780316541954 Print | eBook
Money Magic offers a clear path to a richer, happier, and safer financial life. Whether you’re making education, career, marriage, lifestyle, housing, investment, retirement, or Social Security decisions, Kotlikoff provides a clear framework for readers of all ages and income levels

Financial Adulting: Everything You Need to be a Financially Confident and Conscious Adult by Ashley Feinstein Gerstley Print
Perfect for anyone seeking to get a firm handle on their personal finances, Financial Adulting is a must-have resource that demystifies and simplifies complex topics and makes understanding personal finance fun

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