Library 101: Change Your Account Settings with Our New Catalog Page
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Library 101: Change Your Account Settings with Our New Catalog Page

Plano Public Library’s Catalog page got a new makeover. Let’s take a look at your new account settings

If you look at the top right, you’ll notice a couple of links, including one titled “My Account”. Clicking on this link will prompt you to enter your library card number and PIN. Once signed in, you’ll be taken to a page displaying your account information, namely your address, email and phone number. This is a good way to make sure that PPL has your current info on file if, for example, your phone number changes. While you can’t change your phone number, email address or home address from this page, you can update your pin to match your new phone number by clicking the Change Pin option right below your phone number.  

Below the Change PIN option is Preferences. Under this menu, you can change your default language, default account tab, default checkout and holds view, preferred list and pickup library. 

Default Account Tab refers to which options are displayed when you open My Account. For example, say you only ever check My Account to see what items you have checked out, you can set Default Account Tab to Checkouts, so that when you open My Account, the first thing you see are items you have out. You can also set the default tab to Holds, Fees, or Requests, tabs that we’ll cover shortly!  

The Checkout and Holds views can be changed to display either your Digital or Library checkouts/holds. Digital, as you may have guessed, refers to items checked out on Libby: eBooks and eAudiobooks. Library items are any physical item you checked out inside the actual library: books, audiobooks, STEAM kits and Binge Boxes. If you mostly read eBooks, you can set it so that the Checkout tab shows you your digital checkouts without having to click another dropdown menu. 

Preferred Pickup Library and Preferred List allow you to set the default options for the Place Hold and Add to List options.  

Lastly, There are two check boxes at the bottom of the screen: Keep my checkout history and Show my checkout history. You will need to click both if you want to keep and see a record of the items you’ve checked out. 

If you want to dig deeper into the new catalog on your own, check out our latest video:

We hope that you enjoy the customization options that our new system offers. For more information and library tips & tricks, check out these other posts in our Library 101 series and keep your eye on the Plano Library Learns blog for future Library 101 content!

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