Virtual Program Recap 21
While the library is closed, we’re offering virtual program opportunities to learn at home.
Over the past week we put together a variety family learning activities and professional development workshops. Watch the videos below to see what each activity is.
Be sure to check the City of Plano calendar of events to see what’s happening with the Library and other City departments.
Promote Your Business on Social Media Workshop
Learn the basics of effectively promoting your business on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, what an algorithm is, how to make hashtags work for you, and effectively engaging with your audience.
Make a Mandala Workshop
Learn about the cultural history of mandalas and create your own using radial symmetry. See our blog post for additional resources on making mandalas.
Design a Business Card (Intermediate) Workshop
Promote yourself or your business by designing your unique business card.
Sign up a free 7 day trial of Adobe Creative Cloud to follow along with the class.
Power of Prisms
The refraction and reflection of light helps form the color spectrum we see in rainbows. Did you know we don’t have to wait until after it rains to see a rainbow? Let’s create our own!
Genealogy: Road Map to Records Workshop
Tips and tricks to finding hidden genealogy records.