Thinking Money at your Library
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Thinking Money at your Library

Learn about financial literacy at the Plano Public Library!

Thanks to a grant from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation and American Library Association, your Plano Public Library is hosting the Thinking Money for Kids exhibit at Haggard Library from April 3rd to May 15th. The display will teach elementary age children and their caregivers about saving, spending and budgeting in a fun, understandable way. Kids can learn to make responsible financial decisions by working through a bustling community market-themed story line, digital interactive content and other hands-on activities.

As the only library in Texas to host Thinking Money for Kids, we want to celebrate by providing money related programs for all age groups throughout spring. Here are a few of our upcoming events:

Party Planning (grades K-5): Saturday, February 15 at 3 pm at Parr Library

Your birthday is coming up and you want to plan a party. Set your budget and learn to plan the best party for you and your friends. You’ll make decisions about elements like cake and entertainment

Understanding Social Security Benefits (adults): Friday, February 14 at 9:30 am at Schimelpfenig Library

What does “retirement” mean? Do you know how your social security benefit is calculated? What’s the best age to start receiving retirement benefits? Get answers from Angie Hoquang, Social Security Administration Specialist

Game of Life (grades 6-12): Wednesday, March 11 at 2 pm at Haggard Library

Buying a home, paying for college, your first paycheck and much more! Join us in playing the Game of Life and see how far your paycheck can take you. Presented by college students from the University of North Texas Student Money Management Center

If you can’t make it to these programs, you can attend one of our other budgeting and money management events – just flip to page 4 and 5 in our Spring 2020 Brochure to see your options.

For year-round financial literacy, we offer Money and Money II STEAM kits. Each kit features books, DVDs and hands-on activities to explore the basics of money (spending, budgeting, saving). These kits are perfect for elementary kids.

You can always check out the 332.024 section of the library collection in the non-fiction areas for information on the subject. Friends of the Plano Public Library recently gifted the library 50 eBooks on financial education, which you can look at online through Overdrive or in the Libby app.

We also have online databases that you can explore with your library card, including Small Business Reference Center and Credo.

Don’t forget your Plano Public Library offers tax help, provided by AARP volunteers, from February 1st – April 14th at the following locations. Sign-up begins at 9 am:

  • Haggard Library: Mondays, 11:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Parr Library: Tuesdays, 11:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Schimelpfenig Library: Fridays, 11:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Harrington Library: Saturdays, 10 am – 2 pm